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Weekly lesson plans

Week of May 6th-10th


-Soft opening of the new building is Monday.  Flyers were sent home last Wednesday.

-Official ribbon cutting ceremony for the new building will be held on Wednesday morning.  J

-May 17th: Field Day

-May 21st: Discovery Field Trip

Students MUST arrive by 7:00 AM.  We will leave promptly and will not wait for tardy students.  We will return by 5:30 PM.  Students should wear their field day shirts and comfortable shoes.  Parents who are driving themselves: Your child MUST ride the bus to and from Discovery.

-May 23rd: Last day/Class parties



IXL is now optional. No required minutes for the remainder of the year*

We will begin wrapping up Module 7!

Lesson 11: Solve multi-step measurement word problems

Lesson 12: Use measurement tools to convert mixed number measurements to smaller units

Lesson 13: Use measurement tools to convert mixed number measurements

Lesson 14: Solve multi-step word problems involving converting mixed number measurements to a single unit

Topic Quiz and begin review for end of module assessment.

*Math Facts quiz on Friday


Reading/Language Arts:

Students are continuing to learn about the Great Depression.  They are also reading the chapter book Bud, Not Buddy.

Vocabulary:  depression       scrawny         glum      revenge      loathsome     compromise       gait       journey       prodigy       hoodlum

Social studies:

Students have started discussing the Civil War. 

Week of April 29th-May 3rd


*30 minutes of IXL by Friday (free choice).  This will be the last required week of IXL minutes. 

We will continue working on Module 7!

-Lesson 6: Solve problems involving mixed units of capacity

-Lesson 7: Solve problems involving mixed units of length

-Lesson 8: Solve problems involving mixed units of weight

-Lesson 9: Solve problems involving mixed units of time

-Lesson 10: Solve multi-step measurement word problems

Math Facts quiz on Friday!


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will begin a unit on the Great Depression.  They will also begin reading the chapter book, Bud, Not Buddy.  Students will be provided a copy of the book.

Vocabulary: Unit 15 Orange book

Students will take a spelling and definition test this Friday.


Science/Social Studies:

Please check Ms. Berry’s newsletter or website for information.

Week of April 22nd-26th


We will review for TNReady!  Students will test on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will continue working in module 7 on Thursday and Friday. 

Lesson 3: Create conversion tables for units of time, and use the tables to solve problems

Lesson 4: Solve multiplicative comparison word problems using measurement conversion tables

No homework or IXL this week due to testing.  Homework will pick back up after science TNReady is complete. 


Reading/Language Arts:

Please check Ms. Fleming’s website for more info.



Ms. Berry will review science standards to prepare for TNReady.


Have a great week!

Week of April 15th-18th


Monday: Normal class day

**On testing days, we will always begin at about 8:45.  Snacks will be provided AFTER all students have completed testing. 

Tuesday: RLA Subpart 1: Writing (80 minutes) 

Wednesday: RLA Subparts 2-3: 35 minutes/break/35 minutes

Thursday: RLA Subpart 4: 30 minutes


Week of April 22nd-26th:

Monday: Normal class day

Tuesday: Math Subpart 1 : 45 minutes (no calculator)

Wednesday: Math Subpart 2: 30 minutes (calculator)  Calculators are provided by homeroom teachers.  Students are not allowed to bring their own. 

Thursday: Math Subpart 3: 40 minutes (calculator)


**Please provide your child with encouraging, positive words each morning.  It makes a huge difference when students come into class with a happy, positive attitude.  Remind them to try their best and show what they know!  We have worked hard all year learning new skills. 


Lesson Plans:


RLA: Testing all week



We will focus on our power standards and major work of the grade.  The major work of 4th grade is fractions.  We will review all skills that we have covered this year.  Due to testing, all class periods will be modified.  Classes will be shortened.  Also, our Encore schedule will be modified due to testing.  We may not follow the normal weekly Encore schedule this week or next.

We will not have a math facts quiz this week or next.  We will also not be assigning any homework. 


Have a great week!

Week of April 8th-12th


*The end of module assessment will be taken on Wednesday, April 10th.  Study guides were sent home and emailed on Wednesday, April 3rd.  Please use the study guide to help your child prepare for the test.

*30 minutes of IXL due this Friday (free choice of skill)

-Lesson 16: Solve word problems involving money

-Review for end of module 6 assessment

-Begin TNReady review addressing all question item types

-Begin Module 7 (if time permits) Exploring measurement with multiplication

*Timed math facts quiz on Friday


Reading/Language Arts:

-Comprehension Skills: Theme, main idea and details, informational text

-Vocabulary strategies for unknown words; multiple meaning words

-Grammar: Commas and compound sentences

-Composition: Informational writing and review the 3 types of writing covered all year


Vocabulary: Unit 14 (Tests on Friday)

absolute          arena        compliment      deliberate       dense      dominant

hazardous        huddle       necessity       offend       regain      thorough


Science/Social Studies:

Check Ms. Berry’s website or newsletter for more info.  Students have been studying the solar system.


*Have a great week!  J

Week of April 1-5th


30 minutes IXL by Friday (Free choice on topic!!)

Lesson 11: Compare and order mixed numbers in various forms

Lesson 12: Apply understanding of fraction equivalence to add tenths and hundredths

Lesson 13: Add decimal numbers by converting to fraction form

Lesson 14: Solve word problems involving the addition of measurements in decimal form

Lesson 15: Express money amounts given in various forms as decimal numbers

**END of Module Assessment will be taken on Wednesday, April 10th.  Study guides will come home this week!  I will also email the key.

*Math facts quiz this Friday (25 problems, 2 minutes)


Reading/Language Arts:

Students are reviewing key comprehension skills in preparation for TNReady. 

No spelling or vocabulary this week.

Check Ms. Fleming’s website for more info.



Students will be studying the solar system next week.

Week of March 25th-29th


*30 minutes of required IXL this week (Fraction or Decimal skills)  If your child has already logged minutes in another skill, it is absolutely okay!  (With things getting busier at school, I may not be able to send out my parent email prior to Saturday.  Students may still begin logging minutes Saturday in any skill.)  J

We are currently working in Module 6: Decimals.

**We will take the Mid-Module Assessment this Thursday. (CLUE students will take it Thursday during BOOST.)  Study guides will be sent home Monday.  A key will be attached to the weekly email. 

Lesson 8: Use understanding of fraction equivalence to investigate decimal numbers on the place value chart expressed in different units.

-Lesson 9: Use the place value chart and metric measurement to compare decimals and answer comparison questions.

-Lesson 10: Use area models and the number line to compare decimal numbers, and record comparisons using <, >, =

-Lesson 11: Compare and order mixed numbers in various forms.

*Math Facts quiz on Friday


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will review skills for TNReady: informational text, main idea and details, theme, plot features, text structures, and vocabulary strategies.

Grammar: Sentence Structures; Parts of Speech

Vocabulary: Unit 13 in orange book (Tests on Friday)



Check out Ms. Berry’s newsletter or website for more info.

Week of March 18th-22nd


IXL- 30 minutes by Friday (fraction or decimal topics)

*We will MAP test this Wednesday.  Students have already tested in reading and science. 

-Lesson 5: Model the equivalence of tenths and hundredths using the area model and place value disks

-Lesson 6: Use the area model and number line to represent mixed numbers with units of ones, tenths, and hundredths in fraction and decimal forms

-Lesson 7: Model mixed numbers with units of hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, and hundredths in expanded form and on the place value chart

-Lesson 8: Use understanding of fraction equivalence to investigate decimal numbers on the place value chart expressed in different units

Math mixed facts on Friday*


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will continue working on identifying main idea and details of texts.  Please check Ms. Fleming’s website for more lesson plan info.  No spelling this week.



Students should have received a newsletter from Ms. Berry.  Check her website for more information.

Week of Feb. 25th-March 1st


IXL- 30 minutes by Friday (free choice of 4th grade skill)

EXTRA credit is due this Friday, March 1st.

*A study guide will be coming home.  Our end of module test will be taken on Friday, March 1st.

-Lesson 37: Find the product of a whole number and a mixed number using the distributive property

-Lesson 38: Find the product of a whole number and a mixed number using the distributive property

-Lesson 39-40: Solve multiplicative comparison word problems involving fractions

-Review for end of module assessment.

-End of Module 5 assessment will be taken on Friday, March 1st. 

*Math facts quiz on Friday (25 problems, 2 minutes)

Reading/Language Arts:

EL will wrap up the unit on the Revolutionary War.  Students will work on the focus standards: character, theme, main idea, and text structure

Grammar: Pronouns; Review prepositions and prepositional phrases
Composition: Opinion writing

Science: Be on the look out for the science newsletter from Ms. Berry.  You can also check out her website for more lesson plan info.

Week of Feb. 18th-22nd


30 minutes required by this Friday. (Topics: P, Q, R, S)

*Extra credit is available for students who do not have any missing classwork.  It is due on March 1st.  I will continue to pass out extra credit until the deadline if students complete the missing assignments. 

-Lesson 31: Add mixed numbers

-Lesson 32: Subtract a fraction from a mixed number

-Lesson 33: Subtract a mixed number from a mixed number

-Lesson 34: Subtract mixed numbers

-Lesson 35: Represent the multiplication of n times a/b as (n x a)/b using the associative property and visual models.

Math facts quiz on Friday*

Reading/Language Arts:

Students will continue in EL unit.  They will work on analyzing an opinion writing piece.  In composition, they will continue writing an opinion and justify with evidence from text.

Grammar: Relative pronouns and adverbs

Vocabulary: Unit 11

blockade         chant       despair       elevate       extraordinary       heroic 

lance        missionary         pointless        reflect        site       toxic

Tests on Friday (spelling and definition)


Please check Ms. Berry’s website for more info.

Week of Feb. 11th-15th


IXL-30 minutes by Friday (Free choice week on skill)

**Weekly Computation: I have been giving students a “Weekly Computation” page each Monday.  It has 4 computation problems to complete per night.  I am sending these home to practice the 4 basic functions in math that are necessary for success in math understanding.  Unfortunately, many students are not completing these computations sheets.  They are being graded for accuracy and going in my gradebook. 

-Lesson 24-25: Decompose and compose fractions greater than 1 to express them in various forms

-Lesson 26: Compare fractions greater than 1 by reasoning using benchmark fractions

-Lesson 27: Compare fractions greater than 1 by creating common numerators or denominators

-Lesson 28: Solve word problems with line plots

-Lesson 30: Add a mixed number and a fraction

*Math facts quiz on Friday-Please continue to practice math facts regularly.

Reading/Language Arts:

-Students will take an end of unit assessment this week.  They are continuing to work in the American Revolution EL unit. 

-Grammar: Prepositions and prepositional phrases

-Composition: Opinion writing

Science: Please see Ms. Berry’s newsletter or website for lesson plan information.

Week of Feb. 4th-8th


-30 minutes required IXL by Friday (Topics: Any “P” or “Q” skill)

-Lesson 19: Solve word problems involving addition/subtraction of fractions

-Review for Mid-Module assessment-Study guides were sent home last week.  They were completed in class.  Please use the study guide to prepare for the test. 

-MID-MODULE assessment-WEDNESDAY, Feb. 6th.

-Lesson 22: Add a fraction less than 1 to, or subtract a fraction less than 1 from, a whole number using decomposition and visual models

-Lesson 23: Add and multiply unit fractions to build fractions greater than 1 using visual models

*Mixed math facts quiz on Friday.  PLEASE help your child by practicing facts on a regular basis until the facts are mastered.


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will continue a unit on the American Revolution.  They will focus on characters, point of view, main idea, etc.

Mid-unit assessment possibly on Tuesday.

Grammar: Prepositions/prepositional phrases

Composition: Informative writing

*Check Ms. Fleming’s website for info.

Vocabulary: Unit 10 in orange book

distress         drench       swell         juvenile         outstanding        proceed         register            sift              spree            tardy               unfit            variety

Tests on Friday (definition and spelling)


Please check Ms. Berry’s website for lesson plan info.

Week of Jan. 28th-Feb. 1st


Study guides will be sent home either Monday or Tuesday of this week.  The mid-module assessment will be taken on Wednesday, Feb. 6th.  Please have your child review the study guide to prepare for the test.

All math students will take the I-Ready mid-year benchmark test this Wednesday, Feb. 30th.  Students have free access to I-Ready reading and math lessons via Clever.  (if you need/want extra practice in either subject)

30 minutes of IXL required by this Friday, Feb. 1st.  Students can work on multiplication, division, or fraction skills.

Lesson 15: Find common units or number of units to compare fractions

Lesson 16: Use visual models to add and subtract two fractions with the same units

Lesson 17: Use visual models to add/subtract fractions with similar units; including subtracting from one whole

Lesson 18: Add and subtract more than 2 fractions

*Math facts quiz on Friday (mixed multiplication/division).  Many students are still having great difficulty on these quizzes.  All basic facts should be mastered by this point.  PLEASE practice on a regular basis.  It is so essential to student understanding of every math concept from here on out.

Week of Jan. 22nd-25th


IXL-25 minutes by Friday (Skills: R8, R9, R10, P9, P10, P11)  If your child finishes all skills before reaching 25 minutes, they will then have free choice of skills.

Lesson 12: Reason using benchmarks to compare two fractions on the number line

Lesson 13: Reason using benchmarks to compare two fractions on the number line

Lesson 14: Find common units or number of units to compare two fractions

Math facts quiz on Friday (2 minutes, 22 problems)

Please make sure your child has a working Expo marker and a notebook.

We have also started a Data Folder.  If your child did not bring a folder to school last week, please send one in this week. 

Reading/Language Arts:

Students are working on the American Revolution EL unit.  This week, they will take the End of Unit Assessment.  Please check Ms. Fleming’s website for more detailed info.

Grammar: Adverbs

Composition: Narrative writing

Vocabulary: Unit 9

convict        discipline       dungeon       earnest        enclose       gradual       grumble      jagged        nourish           provision        treaty         uneasy

*Tests on Friday (spelling and definition)

Week of Jan. 14th-18th


IXL-Skills for this week: P.1, Q.1, Q.5, S.1, S.2

(30 minutes by Friday—Students can begin acquiring minutes on Saturdays.)

Module 5: Fractions

Lesson 7-8:  Use the area model and multiplication to show the equivalence of two fractions

Lesson 9-10: Use the area model and division to show the equivalence of two fractions

Lesson 11: Explain fraction equivalence using a tape diagram and the number line, and relate that to the use of multiplication and division

Lesson 12: Reason using benchmarks to compare two fractions on the number line

Lesson 13: Find common units or number of units to compare two fractions

*Mixed Math facts on Friday (basic multiplication and division)  Please continue reinforcing basic math facts at home.


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will be taking a Mid-Module (unit 1) assessment sometime this week.  Students will continue in the EL unit on the American Revolution.  (Lessons 6-10)

Grammar: Adjectives

Composition: Narrative writing

*See Ms. Fleming’s website for more information.


Social studies: Students are discussing the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence.  Please see Ms. Berry’s newsletter for more info.

Week of Jan. 7th-11th


We will begin a unit on Fractions!  Module 5 is considered the “Major Work” of 4th grade. 

This week:

-Lesson 1-2: Decompose fractions as a sum of unit fractions using tape diagrams

-Lesson 3: Decompose non-unit fractions and represent them as whole number times a unit fraction using tape diagrams

-Lesson 5: Decompose unit fraction using area models to show equivalence

-Lesson 6: Decompose fractions using area models to show equivalence

*Mixed math facts quiz on Friday (basic multiplication and division)  I will add 5 additional problems very soon. 

Reading/Language Arts:

Students will begin a new unit in EL covering the American Revolution.  During this unit of study, all reading comprehension skills will be covered.    Students will cover lessons 1-5 this week.  An introduction to all text structures will be implemented.

Grammar: Adjectives

Composition: Narrative Writing


Vocabulary: Unit 8 (Tests on Friday)

awkward             clatter                gallant           lukewarm          plentiful           ration    

    reserve          scholar                smolder              trudge         volunteer        weary


Social Studies:

Students will spend two weeks discussing the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence. Please see Ms. Berry’s newsletter for more information.


Let’s have a great week!


Week of Dec. 10th-19th


Last chance for extra credit for 2nd nine weeks—Students who complete 1 hour of IXL between Dec. 15th-19th will receive 5 bonus points on the lowest classwork grade in my gradebook. 

30 minutes of REQUIRED IXL for Dec. 8th-14th on any geometry skill

 (W, X, Y, or Z)

*We will complete the end of module 4 assessment on Monday, Dec. 17th.  We will complete this together as a class.  Therefore, it will not count as a grade.


Lesson 7: Measure and draw angles.  Sketch given angle measures, and verify with a protractor

Lesson 8: Identify and measure angles as turns and recognize them in various contexts

Lesson 9-11: Use the addition of adjacent angle measures to solve problems using a symbol for the unknown angle measure

Lesson 12: I can recognize lines of symmetry for given 2 dimensional figures.  Identify line symmetric figures, and draw lines of symmetry

Lesson 13/15: Analyze and classify triangles based on side length, angle measure, or both.  Classify quadrilaterals based on parallel and perpendicular lines and the presence or absence of angles of a specified size.

End of Module Review on Monday, Dec. 17th.  All skills review Tuesday, Dec. 18th. 



Students are reading Tuck Everlasting in class.  They are working on comprehension skills throughout the chapter book. 

Social Studies:

Students should have received a bi-weekly newsletter from Ms. Berry with lesson plans. 


I hope everyone enjoys the Winter Break!  Happy Holidays!  Rest, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends.  See you in January 2019! 

Week of Dec.3rd


Students will take the MAP benchmark assessment this Wednesday, Dec. 5th.

Study guides for a multiplication quiz went home last Thursday.  The quiz will be taken on Thursday, Dec. 6th.  We will review multiplication daily in our fluency exercises. 

We are beginning Module 4 today!  We will move quickly through this module and will revisit lessons in the spring.

Lesson 1: Identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.  Recognize them in various contexts and familiar figures

Lesson 2: Use right angles to determine whether angles are equal to, greater than, or less than right angle.  Draw right, obtuse, and acute angles.

Lesson 3: Identify, define, and draw perpendicular lines

Lesson 4: Identify, define, and draw parallel lines

*Math facts quiz on Friday (I will begin adding basic division facts next week!  I will also add 5 extra questions very soon.)

Reading/Language Arts:

-Students are still working on Animal Defenses in EL.  They are continuing learning how to research.  They are working on identifying main idea, finding the gist, writing summaries, etc.

-Composition: Informative writing/Narrative writing

-Vocabulary: Unit 7

Students should prepare for a spelling and definition test this Friday.

Science/Social studies:

Ms. Berry should be sending home a bi-weekly newsletter this week.  Check her webpage as well.

Week of Nov. 26th


*30 minutes of IXL by Friday—Skills: Any “D” skills (multiplication)

We will complete Module 3 with the remaining multiplication lessons.

Lesson 34: Multiply 2 digit multiples of 10 by 2 digit numbers using a place value chart

Lesson 35: Multiply 2 digit multiples of 10 by 2 digit numbers using the area model

Lesson 36: Multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers using four partial products

Lesson 37: Transition from four partial products to the standard algorithm for 2 digit by 2 digit

*Math facts quiz on Friday (mixed facts)

Students will take the winter MAP Benchmark assessment on Dec. 5th.

Multiplication quiz (double digit by double digit) on Thursday, Dec. 6th.


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will continue working on the Animal Defenses unit in EL. 

Skill: Research

Grammar: Participles

Composition: Informational writing



Students are completing a unit on sound and light energy.

Week of Nov. 13th-20th


30 minutes of IXL by Friday! This is a required homework assignment. 

Skills: Free Choice! We will not have required minutes for the week of Nov. 19th. 

-Lesson 30: Solve division problems with a zero in the dividend or with a zero in the quotient

-Lesson 32: Interpret and find whole number quotients and remainders to solve one step division word problems with larger divisors of 6, 7, 8, and 9

-Review for End of Module Test **The end of module assessment will be modified because we have not yet covered double digit multiplication.  However, we feel the need to assess division prior to the break.  We will continue module 3 after Thanksgiving to cover multiplication.  We will have another assessment to cover multiplication later.

-END OF MODULE 3 (minus double digit multiplication) TEST on Friday, Nov. 16th.  Study guides will be sent home on Monday!

**ANY student completing 1 hour of IXL on 4th grade TN standard of choice during the week of Nov. 17th-23rd will receive 5 bonus points on our next assessment.  The hour must be completed within the 17th-23rd window. 

Week of Nov. 5th-9th


*30 minutes of IXL by Friday, Nov.9th.  This is a required homework assignment.  Students can begin earning those minutes the Saturday before the Friday it is due. 

This week focus skills: A.14, A.15, E.1-E.6

Lesson 25: Explore properties of prime and composite numbers to 100 by using multiples

Lesson 26: Divide multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 by single-digit numbers

Lesson 27: Represent and solve division problems with up to a 3 digit dividend numerically and with place value disks requiring decomposing a remainder in the hundreds place

Lesson 28: Represent and solve 3 digit dividend division with divisors of 2,3,4, and 5 numerically

Lesson 29: Represent numerically 4 digit dividend division with divisors of 2, 3, 4, and 5, decomposing a remainder up to three times

**Math facts quiz on Friday!  All math facts quizzes for the remainder of the year will contain mixed facts!  Again, I cannot stress the importance of basic facts enough!  Please review consistently.


Reading/Language Arts:

Comprehension: Students will be wrapping up unit 1 in EL Animal Defenses.  They will begin unit 2.

Grammar: Possessive Nouns

Composition: Informative writing


Social Studies: Students began social studies last week.  Ms. Berry sends home bi-weekly newsletters.  Please check her newsletter or website for more information.

Week of October 29th-Nov. 2nd


IXL-30 minutes by Friday (Skills: D.11, E.1, E.2)

-Lesson 18: Find whole number quotients and remainders

-Lesson 20: Solve division problems without remainders using the area model

-Lesson 22: Find factor pairs for numbers to 100, and use understanding of factors to define prime and composite

-Lesson 23: Use division and the associative property to test for factors and observe patterns

-Lesson 24: Determine if a whole number is a multiple of another number

(Math facts quiz on Friday (Doubles 3 x3, 6 x 6, etc.)

Week of October 22nd-26th



IXL skills: B.9, C.7, D.11, D.12, D.13 **30 minutes by Friday (overall, NOT for each skill)

Students will take a Mid-Module Assessment on Monday, Oct. 22nd.  Study guides were sent

home on Monday, Oct. 15th.  They were completed in class.

-Lesson 14: Solve division problems with remainders

-Lesson 15: Understand and solve division problems with a remainder using the array and area models

-Lesson 16: Understand and solve two digit dividend division problems with a remainder in the ones place by using place value disks

-Lesson 17: Represent and solve division problems requiring decomposing a remainder in the tens

*12 x math facts quiz on Friday (20 problems, 2 minutes)  Next week, students will take doubles (3x3, 5x5, 8x8, etc.)  PLEASE continue to practice basic facts on a regular basis at home.

Reading/Language Arts:

Students have started a unit on Animal Defenses in the EL reading program.  They will focus on main idea and details.  They will also continue identifying the “gist” of the articles read in class.   Paraphrasing will also be a skill introduced this week.

Grammar: Pronouns

Spelling: None

Composition: Informational writing (Citing evidence in text)

Science: Students have started a unit on energy.  Please visit Ms. Berry’s website for more information.

Week of October 15th-19th


-Lesson 9: Multiply 3 and 4 digit numbers by one digit numbers applying the standard algorithm

-Lesson 11: Connect the area model and the partial products method to the standard algorithm

-Lesson 12: Solve 2 step word problems, including multiplicative comparison

-Lesson 13: Use multiplication, addition, or subtraction to solve multi-step word problems

-Review for Mid Module Assessment.  Study guides will be sent home on Monday, Oct. 15th.  Please use the study guide to prepare for the test. 

Mid-Module 3 Assessment will be taken on Monday, Oct. 22nd.

*11x math facts quiz on Friday (Next week, we will quiz on the 12x facts.  In two weeks, we will quiz on doubles. 3x3, 4x4, 8x8, etc)  When we finish testing on doubles, we will continue taking weekly mixed math facts quizzes.

Reading/Language Arts:

Students will begin a new module in EL: Animal Defenses

All comprehension skills will be addressed throughout the unit.

Grammar: Compound and complex sentences/Conjunctions

Composition: Informative writing

Vocabulary: Unit 4

ambush            calculate           contribute         dread       employ      extend          initial          frantic          routine          stun          sturdy               yield    

*Tests on Friday (spelling and definitions)

Science: Students will begin studying energy in science.  Please check Ms. Berry’s newsletter for more information.

Week of Oct. 1st-5th


-Lesson 4/5: Interpret and represent patterns when multiplying 10,100, and 1,000 in arrays and numerically.  Multiply multiples of 10,100, and 1,000 by single digits, recognizing patters.

-Lesson 6: Multiply 2 digit multiples of 10 by two digit multiples of 10 with the area model

-Lesson 7/8: Extend the use of place value disks to represent three and four digit by one digit multiplication

-Lesson 9: Multiply 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers applying the standard algorithm

-Lesson 11: Connect the area model and the partial products method to the standard algorithm

10x math facts quiz this Friday! (Please work on math facts on a regular basis.  It is crucial to understanding our math concepts this year!)

Reading/Language Arts:

Students are wrapping up a unit on poetry and prose.  They will complete the book, Love That Dog this week.

Skills: Figurative Language-similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia

Composition: Opinion writing—“Should children be paid to do chores?”

Grammar: Verbs-types of verbs

Spelling: Students will not have a spelling test this week.  They will review words from the orange vocabulary book all week.



Students will continue working in life science.  Check Ms. Berry’s newsletter for more information.

Week of Sept. 24th-28th


-An extra credit note was sent home last week.  It will be the only opportunity this nine weeks for extra credit.  It is DUE on Oct. 2nd.

-Our IXL license expired on Sept. 19th.  Our renewal process has been delayed for unspecified reasons.  Due to this kink, students cannot complete IXL minutes this week.  I will keep you posted when I receive an update.   L

-Students received a study guide for the end of module assessment last Monday.  The End of Module 2 assessment will be taken on Wednesday, Sept. 26th.  Please use the study guide to prepare for the test.

This week:

-Review for End of Mod. 2 Assessment

-Begin Module 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division

-Lesson 1: Investigate and use formulas for area and perimeter of rectangles

-Lesson 2: Solve multiplicative comparison word problems by applying the area and perimeter formula

-Lesson 3: Demonstrate understanding of area and perimeter formulas by solving multi-step real world problems

*9 x math facts quiz on Friday (PLEASE review math facts on a consistent basis.)


Reading/Language Arts:

Students are still working on the poetry unit with Love that Dog.

Grammar: Verbs-Action, Linking, Helping

Composition: Writing opinions


Vocabulary: Unit 3 Orange Book

Tests on Friday (spelling and definition) 

attractive         burden          consent           dependable            indicate

previous               qualify               response                   shabby             thaw           urgent               vanity



Students will begin science this week.  They will continue life science and focus on adaptations.

Week of Sept. 17th-21st


IXL Skills: A1-A8, B1-B3, C1-C6 (30 minutes by Friday) Please remember that students do not have to complete every single skill listed.  Students only need to complete a minimum of 30 minutes by Friday.  Students have free choice once all the skills listed above have been completed.

*An extra credit note will be sent home on Monday.  Please read, sign, and return if your child will take advantage of the extra credit.

Module 2: Metric Measurement

-Lesson 2: Express metric mass measurements in terms of a smaller unit; model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving metric mass

-Lesson 3: Express metric capacity measurements in terms of a smaller unit; model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving metric capacity

-Lesson 4:  Know and relate metric units to place value units in order to express measurements in different units.

-Lesson 5: Use addition and subtraction to solve multi-step word problems involving length, mass, and capacity

-Review for end of module 2 assessment*  Students will test on Wednesday, Sept. 26th.


Reading/Language Arts:

Students will continue the poetry unit in Love that Dog.

Grammar: Verbs

Composition: Opinion writing


Spelling: Test on Friday

skill          crime        grind          tonight          brick           flight          live

chill         delight         build        ditch        decide


Social Studies: Please check Ms. Berry’s newsletter or website for more information.  Students will be studying Native Americans.

Week of Sept. 10th-14th


IXL-30 minutes by Friday (Skills: A1-A8, A10-A12, B1-B3, OR C1-C3)  Once students have completed the skills listed above, they have free choice. 

-Lesson 16: Solve two step word problems using the standard subtraction algorithm fluently modeled with tape diagrams, and assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding.

-Lesson 18: Solve multi-step word problems modeled with tape diagrams, and assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding.

-End of Module Assessment this Wednesday**  Study guides were given to students on Tuesday, Sept. 4th.  Students were asked to keep the study guides in a plastic sheet protector in their binder.  Please use the study guide to prepare for the test!

-Begin Module 2: Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement

-Lesson 1: Express metric length measurements in terms of a smaller unit; model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving metric length

-Lesson 2: Express metric mass measurements in terms of a smaller unit; model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving metric mass

7x math facts quiz on Friday (20 problems; 2 minutes)


Reading/Language Arts:

Comprehension Skills: Summary, Gist, Character, Theme

Students will review these skills in their poetry unit with Love that Dog.

Composition: Students will have 90 minutes of writing instruction every Wednesday in Ms. Fleming’s room (Writing Wednesdays).  Ms. Fleming will be your child’s primary writing teacher.  Students have been working on writing strong opinions supported by textual evidence.

Grammar: Students are wrapping up nouns.


Vocabulary: Unit 2 Orange books

Annual         basic        competition        contract       dismiss       neglect     

          obtain      portion       recall      sponsor        stern       vacant

*Tests on Friday (spelling and definition)


Social studies:

Ms. Berry will continue to discuss early Americans. 

Students will be using Week 3 and Week 4 newspapers in her class.

Week of Sept. 4th-7th


IXL SKILLS--A10-A12; B1-B3 (30 min by Friday, Sept. 7th)

-Lesson 12: Solve multi-step word problems using the standard algorithm modeled with tape diagrams, and assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding

-Lesson 13: Use place value understanding to decompose to smaller units once using the standard subtraction algorithm, and apply the algorithm to solve word problems using tape diagrams

-Lesson 14: Use place value understanding to decompose to smaller units up to three times using the standard subtraction algorithm

-Lesson 15: Use place value understanding to fluently decompose to smaller units multiple times in any place using the standard subtraction algorithm

*6 x math facts this Friday. (20 problems, 2 minutes)  Please practice math facts on an ongoing, consistent basis.  It is SO important that your child know these facts for 4th grade and beyond.  EVERYTHING we do in 4th grade is based on basic multiplication.

Reading/Language Arts:

Students will continue the poetry unit.  They will focus on summarizing skills, identifying the “gist”, and identifying character and theme.

Composition: Due to schedules, composition will be taught exclusively by Ms. Fleming.  I will supplement as needed on Fridays.  This week, students will focus on opinion writing. 

Grammar: Nouns-singular and plural, common and proper


Spelling: Test on Friday

blade               gray          past         afraid            magic              delay      

amaze          drain             maybe        break                 sale              hang


Science:  Students will continue discussing photosynthesis and ecosystems.  Please check with Ms. Berry for more detailed plans.


*Have a great week!

Week of August 27th-Aug.31st


OUR FIRST TEST WILL BE TAKEN THIS WEDNESDAY! Study guides were sent home on Monday, Aug. 20th.  Please help your child prepare for the test.

Lesson 8-9 Review: Rounding numbers

Lesson 10: Use place value understanding to round multi-digit numbers to any place value using real world applications

Mid-Module Assessment

Lesson 11: Use place value understanding to fluently add multi-digit whole numbers using the same standard addition algorithm, and apply the algorithm to solve word problems using tape diagrams.

Lesson 12: Solve multi-step word problems using the standard algorithm modeled with tape diagrams, and assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding.

5 x math facts quiz on Friday*

Reading/Language Arts:

Students have started a unit on poetry.  They will work on a variety of comprehension skills throughout this unit.  (Love that Dog)

Grammar: Quotations

Composition: Summary writing

*Check Ms. Fleming’s website/email for spelling plans.


Students will begin discussing interactions with ecosystems.  They may have a quiz on photosynthesis this week.   Ms. Berry will let the students know.

Week of August 20th-24th


-I-Ready benchmark testing online (Monday and Tuesday)

-Lesson 7: Round multi-digit numbers to the thousands place using the vertical number line

-Lesson 8: Round multi-digit numbers to any place using the vertical number line

-Lesson 9: Use place value understanding to round multi-digit numbers to any place value

-A mid module study guide will be coming home on Monday. (It will contain questions that we will cover later this week.)  We will check the study guide in class.  Please use the study guide to prepare for our mid module assessment.  It will be taken on Wednesday, Aug. 29th.

Reading/Language Arts:

Comprehension Skill: Comprehension skills: Summarizing, theme, and compare/contrast

Students will use a variety of reading passages to practice these skills.  Students will also begin a unit on poetry.

Grammar: Sentences

Composition: Summarizing

Vocabulary: Unit 1 in orange vocabulary book!

Students will need to study the spelling of these words and the definitions. 

celebrity        counsel              demonstrate         drowsy         essential          hardship         haul        humble      pledge      sincere         stampede          suitable

Science:  Students will switch to science this week and will continue science for the next 2.5 weeks.  They will be discussing photosynthesis and plants.

Week of August 13th-17th


We will review lessons 1-2 from last week.

Lesson 3: Name numbers within 1 million by building understanding of the place value chart and placement of commas for naming base thousand units

Lesson 4: Read and write multi-digit numbers using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form

Lesson 5: Compare numbers based on meanings of the digits using <, >, = to record the comparison

Lesson 6: Find 1, 10, and 100 thousand more and less than a given number

Lesson 7: Round multi-digit numbers to the thousands place using the vertical number line

*Math facts quiz on Friday (3x math facts; 20 problems, 2 minutes)


Comprehension skills: Summarizing, theme, and compare/contrast

Students will use a variety of reading passages to practice these skills.

Grammar: Sentences

Spelling: Back to school words (Ms. Fleming will give student’s a sheet with the spelling words on Monday)

Composition: Summarizing skills (Summary of summer break)

Continue Hopes and Dreams and “I Am..” poems

Social Studies:

Students will continue map skills and will begin study of ancient civilizations.


Week of August 6th-10th

After reading lesson plans, please see the WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS page!

Welcome to the fourth grade!  I am excited to teach your children this year! I know this year will be great!  I look forward to getting to know all of you and your children. 

-As we settle back into a routine, please make sure your child has all necessary school supplies.  Agenda books and recorders were not included in the prepackaged boxes.  Those items can be purchased at the school’s book store.  (The book store is open before school begins each day.)

*We will spend the majority of this week learning rules, procedures, and expectations.  We will practice rotating classes, meet the other teachers, and organize our supplies.  We will also begin getting to know everyone in the classroom in order to build classroom community. 

The following lesson plans are subject to change depending on how much time is spent practicing our procedures.

Math: We will begin full math blocks this Wednesday!!

We will begin with Module 1: Place Value

Lesson 1: Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison

Lesson 2: Recognize a digit represents 10 times the value of what it represents in the place to its right

Lesson 3: Name numbers within 1 million by building understanding of the place value chart and placement of commas for naming base thousand units


*If you have any questions before our “Meet the Teacher” night, please feel free to email me!  My email is

Additional Notes:

These first few weeks can be overwhelming.  Please support your child in any way possible. 

Setting up a good homework routine is a great start.  This first week will not have much homework, but it will increase over time.  Starting on the right foot is always beneficial.  A helpful suggestion is to have a dry erase calendar, or some type of calendar at home, where your child can mark important test/project dates. 



Have a great first week back to school!! ☺ 

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